IBCLC Consultation

IBCLC Consultation



International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) is a worldwide recognised qualification and the highest professional qualification in lactation support. Our IBCLCs have gone through at least 1,000 hours of clinical breastfeeding experience, studies on theories, a rigorous exam and recertification every 5 years under the regulation of the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE). Until April 2020, there are only 261 IBCLCs in Hong Kong. Our IBCLCs are highly experienced, trained, qualified and knowledgeable in everything about lactation, and obliged to work according to the Code of Professional Conduct. As an important member in our lactation medical team, IBCLCs work with mothers, families and babies to help with both basic and complex breastfeeding challenges to help mothers and babies breastfeed.


One-on-one consultation and counselling run by our IBCLC aim to resolve your doubt and query about breastfeeding. Please do not hesitate to book in a consultation if you encounter difficulties in lactation. The duration of the consultation session is customized to your need. Professional guidance will be provided for successful breastfeeding.
Topics include but not limited to:

我們透過國際認證泌乳顧問 (IBCLC) 諮詢、催乳師按摩、醫生診治和營養師跟進飲食為媽媽解決各種哺乳問題。
– 嬰兒吸吮困難,不能或不願意吸吮乳房
– 嬰兒大小便不足
– 嬰兒增重不足
– 嬰兒早產
– 嬰兒黃疸
– 孖胎餵哺疑難
– 奶量不足
– 乳頭疼痛、龜裂、損傷
– 乳房漲痛、乳腺堵塞、乳腺炎
– 乳汁帶血、帶膿
– 減少使用奶粉轉為全母乳餵哺
– 泵奶和親身餵哺的轉換
– 回歸工作後持續餵母乳的安排
– 嬰兒進食固體及戒奶
– 戒奶後重新哺乳

國際認證泌乳顧問(IBCLC) 到店諮詢 (每次半小時)


國際認證泌乳顧問(IBCLC) 上門諮詢 (每次1小時)

